mandag 7. februar 2011

Bloody good Bacalaoooo.

I believe that I am more interested in food than most other human beings are, and I love spending time in the kitchen with fresh, tasty ingredients during the weekend.

I alsohate walking around in a chain grocery store trying to get good quality food from some student standing behind the counters who definitely don’t know anything about it! So I went to “Fiskeriet” (Translation: ‘The Fishery’) to get my cured cod this Saturday. Sometimes it is worth to wait 40 minutes in line for quality products. You should try it; “Fiskeriet” is a fantastic place to buy your fresh seafood and it also has a nice little seafood bar.

Invite some of your colleagues and be famous for you cooking


400 gr. Cured and boneless cod
6 potatoes
2 coves garlic
1 dl olive oil
1 pepper
Calamata olives
2 box crushed tomatoes
Black pepper
A table spoon of chilli if you like spicy food.

Leave the cod in cold water in about 24 hours before cooking. Then simply slice the vegetables in thin slices and stir it together with olive oil and garlic in 2-3 minutes before adding fish and tomatoes. Let it cook slowly for 2 hours. Simple as that!

Fiskeriet Youngstorget
Youngstorget 2b
0181 Oslo

Monday – Friday 10.00 - 18.00
Saturday 09.00 - 16.00

2 kommentarer:

  1. Heihei!

    Det høres veldig godt ut, men hva er cod? og kan man eventuelt bruke laks i?

    knus m

  2. Hei Hei. Cod er torsk, og cured torsk er klippfisk. Det aller best mener jeg er klippfisk, men en laksevariant er også fullt mulig

    // Arne



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