torsdag 24. februar 2011

Be Creative!

Why emulate someone when you can develop something on your own? A while back I started reading a book about creativity. This book is written by Fredrik Hären a Swedish lecturer and author who has won numerous awards in these subjects.

The book is called “The Developing World”, a very interesting book about the developments taking place in the world right now. The whole world is becoming more creative and a greater amount of people in developing countries are taking more initiative and becoming more innovative. The numbers and figures on how many more people in the so-called developing countries who educate themselves, develop new business and find new solutions to problems are outstanding and incredibly inspiring in my opinion!

Based on interviews, knowledge and ideas he explains that the world has grown and is growing faster due to the fact that Internet, "the key to knowledge", has become available all over the world. He encourages people to take advantage of this flow of knowledge and open your mind to it. Not only visit facebook and your local newspaper.


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