mandag 27. juni 2011

Kolonihagen - Frognerveien 33

Just behind our main office at Skovveien 8 there is a fantastic restaurant/coffee/ eco-shop named Kolonihagen. The concept is genuine and well thought out: Their vision is to be an organic diverse concept where you can have coffee, enjoy a delicious lunch, eat a nice dinner and have the ability to purchase your organic vegetables and herbs to take home. The suppliers for the boutique are a hand-picked few - it is only the very best who get selected, and they often only have one supplier for a specific commodity. This because we as guests should enjoy the highest quality of what Norway has to offer!

The dishes at the lunch- and dinner menu are simple and appealing: They serve simple smørebrød, salads and soups for lunch and a bit heavier dishes for dinner. Something you shouldn’t miss when visiting this lovely shop is their bakery! Make time for a morning walk down to the shop and buy their popular muesli bread, and enjoy it during a late breakfast - this is something everyone should try!

Opening hours:
Monday-Saturday: 11-23
Sunday: 11-17

You can easily find more information about the parts of this concept which you find the most interesting. I’m adding a couple of specific links with this text to my personal points of interest:

For more information about the restaurant and cafe: Info

For more info on their bakery: Info

For more info on their vegetable sales: Info

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