tirsdag 15. mars 2011


Pancakes with fresh berries from the greengrocer’s on the corner

Bacon and eggs and fresh bread from the local bakery

Sashimi – buy some good, fresh, Norwegian fish, wasabi and soya

BLT – bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich.

Buy some high-quality mayonnaise, use the toaster

Salad – chop up your favourite vegs, and leave some in the fridge for tomorrow

Blue cheese pasta – all you need is pasta, some good cheese and a splash of cream

Soup! Buy a packet of soup and spice it up with a spoonful of crème fraiche and herbs

Thai chicken! Fry chicken breast with Indian spices, then stir in a little coconut milk. Perfect with naan bread

Chevre – white goat cheese on good, fresh bread with a drop of honey and a little rosemary

Courgettes – simply slice and fry in olive oil with a little thyme

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