2. You get a bad conscience when staying inside at a sunny day
3. You think there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing (sounds so much better in Norwegian, rhymes and everything)
4. You don’t fall when walking on ice
5. You can’t remember when to say “please” or “excuse me”
6. You like to wrap your hotdog in a cold pancake (the Norwegian “lompe”)
8. You don’t see the harm in having a barbeque when it is raining
9. You can take a bath in the sea when it is 12 degrees and call it ”refreshing”
10. It feels natural to wear a backpack and sports clothes everywhere, including the cinema, restaurant and to church...
11. You know at least five different words for describing different textures of snow
12. You expect all dinner parties and meetings to start precisely on time, if not before.
13. You assume that a stranger on the street who smiles at you is:
a) Insane
b) Drunk

c) American
d) All the above
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