tirsdag 15. februar 2011

Haba Haba Hujaza Kibaba

Something else that’s sweet is the Norwegian contribution to the Eurovision Song Contest 2011, set for the 14th of May in Germany.

For those who didn’t watch the Norwegian Finale on Saturday, you can see it here

I can tell you that it’s a very happy and inspiring song, full of energy! The Norwegian winner, Stella Mwangi, is actually a recognized artist in East Africa and some of her songs topped the charts in Kenya, Senegal and Gambia.

She has released an album called ‘Living For Music’ and have also been active in the Norwegian Hip Hop Scene since she was 11 years old. Although she came to Norway at the age of 4 and became a Norwegian citizen, she stays closely connected to her roots/heritage. This comes through in her song, as she sings “Haba Haba Hujaza Kibaba”, which is an African saying she learnt from her grandmother. It means something like ’Small Victories Lead to Big Ones'. That’s something we all should think of now and then.

Good luck Stella!!

Photo: Ernst Vikne

Source: Flickr

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