fredag 28. januar 2011

Guess who has checked in to Frogner House Apartments-Skovveien 8 today??

Correct, yours truly!

I have been working here for two years now, first in the reception in Skovveien 8 and later as a Key Account Manager. My main work is to cooperate with our business clients. It has been a very exciting journey, building homes for our guests who are staying away from home.

Now that I am renovating my own apartment I really needed a temporary home…And what alternative could be better than to check out how it really feels to stay away from home in one of our apartments. And trust me, it’s really nice here, I feel like we are closer than ever for the recipe of that homey feeling, remember: “A house is made of walls and beams; but a home is built with love and dreams.”

Since I love music I will share some of my favourites with you now and then here on our blog. Starting with this beautiful song from David Gray, enjoy :)

Have a great weekend everybody, nothing better than to curl up in a chair with a woollen blanket and a warm cup of tea this cold day in January!

-Stine Charlotte-

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